- BY lortu
- POSTED IN in evidenza, Innovazione EEN

Innovate & Match 2019 una tre giorni di meeting internazionali tra aziende, start-up, cluster, centri di ricerca e università, organizzato dalla rete Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) dell’Emilia Romagna e co-organizzato da Confindustria Toscana come Support Office EEN delle imprese toscane.
L’evento si svolge nell’ambito di R2B – Research to Business 2019, la 14a edizione dell’Esposizione Internazionale della Ricerca Industriale e delle Competenze per l’Innovazione promossa dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna, BolognaFiere, ASTER e SMAU.
DATE | Time | Session |
5 June, 2019 | From 13:30 on | Registration |
14:20 – 16:00 | Cluster2Cluster | Workshop session | |
16:00 – 18:30 | Cluster2Cluster | Special Meetings Session | |
6 June, 2019 | From 10:00 on | Registration at the Main Registration Desk |
14:00 – 17:30 | B2B Meetings| Session 1 | |
7 June, 2019 | From 9:00 on | Registration at the Main Registration Desk |
10:00 – 13:30 | B2B Meetings | Session 2 | |
13:30 – 17:30 | B2B Meetings | Session 3 |
Aziende consolidate e start-up, Clusters, Centri di ricerca ed Università
Il focus di questa edizione è l’ Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) applicata ai seguenti settori:
- Sustainable and precision farming
- Quality, safety and traceability in processes, products and nutrition
- Valorisation of by-products and waste – biomass chemistry in the agrifood sector
Building and Construction
- Innovation in Construction and Cultural Heritage Management
- Energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings
- Safety of buildings and infrastructure
Energy and Sustainable Development
- Low Carbon Economy
- Sustainability and Ecosystem Services
- Climate Change
- Blue Growth
Cultural and Creative Industries
- Advanced Design & Digital Craft Technologies
- Fashion Valley – Digitisation, sustainability, product innovation and organisational innovation and sustainability for the fashion industry
- Multimedia – New Business models
- Technologies for digital culture
- Tourism and urban reactivation
Life Sciences and Well-being
- New generation of biomedical and prosthetics
- Regenerative and Restorative Medicine
- Pharmaceutical and Omics Sciences
- Technologies for an healthy, active and independent life
Service Innovation & Big Data
- Scalable Big Data Infrastructure for innovative Services
- Big Data for Industry
- Industry 4.0
- Service platforms for IOT
- Cybersecurity
- Intelligent IT Services
- Goods logistics
Mechatronics and Transports
- Digital and Advanced Manufacturing
- Automation and Robotics
- Efficient, sustainable and smart Engines
- Advanced Materials in the Manufacturing of Engines and Mechatronics
- Avionics and Aerospace
- Nautical Affairs
- Green Sea Mobility
- Fluid Power
Bologna – Bologna Fiere Hall 33 – Viale Aldo Moro, 20
5-6-7 Giugno 2019
E’ possibile registrarsi entro l’20 maggio 2019 attraverso questo link https://innovatematch2019.b2match.io/, la partecipazione è gratuita.
Per maggiori informazioni e assistenza contattare: Luisa Ortu mail:l.ortu@confindustriatoscanaservizi.it
Tel: 055 277361